About Me

Emily Furniss with herbal tea

I’m a fully Registered Nutritional Therapist, BA(Hons), DipION, MBANT, RCNHC providing high quality, personalised functional nutrition and health support to busy families in North London, Hertfordshire and beyond. With a passion for child and maternal health, and two children of my own, I love empowering families to eat well for life.

I worked for many years in a successful career as a book publicist, most recently specialising in pregnancy & birth, infant feeding, and child health before deciding to follow my passion and retrain in nutritional therapy, with a focus on family health.

I studied for four years for a Diploma in Nutritional Therapy (DipION) at the leading Institute for Optimum Nutrition in London, where I was awarded a distinction. I continue to strive to develop my knowledge at the cutting edge of scientific research to deliver programmes based on the most up-to-date nutrition evidence.

I’m a full member of the British Association for Nutrition And Lifestyle Medicine (BANT) and registered with the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC), the UK regulator for complementary healthcare practitioners.

At my private practice I welcome adults and children alike and bring a warm, flexible and understanding approach. My aim is to demystify nutrition by cutting through the confusing messages and demonstrate the power of simple, personalised dietary changes for improved health. Above all, I want everyone to enjoy balanced, good food and not feel limited by restricted or fad diets.

As a busy working mum coming from a fast-moving media environment I understand the pressures of balancing a stressful job with the demands of family life. I can share lots of simple tips and tricks to make eating well an achievable and enjoyable experience.

I also have first-hand experience of managing long term child health issues as a parent and understand the pressures and worries this can entail. Good nutrition is absolutely vital and can have a real impact on our children’s health and development. 

Overall, I want to show that eating a nutritious diet doesn’t have to be complicated, boring or time consuming! With professional guidance everyone can benefit from personalised Functional nutrition and learn how to eat well - and feel great - every day.  



About Nutritional Therapy

  • Nutritional therapy is using specific dietary and nutrient recommendations tailored to your individual needs, alongside lifestyle advice, to support optimum health.

  • The functional medicine model considers health from a holistic, 360 degree approach, aiming to identify and address the underlying cause or drivers of physiological imbalances within the body which may be causing symptoms. My training in nutritional therapy applies the functional medicine approach recognising body systems work in balance with one another in good health. Therefore the aim of nutritional therapy is to put in place dietary recommendations that support the overall health of every client.

  • Most of my consultations run across 3 months as part of my Thrive Nutrition consultation package to encourage long term sustainable change. Once you have booked in you will complete a detailed Health Questionnaire and a 3 Day Food Diary which will be assessed prior to your first appointment.

    Consultations take place either at my home clinic in Bushey or via secure online video link from wherever you are. At the first consultation we will discuss in depth your health history, goals and dietary and lifestyle preferences. You will be provided with a Health Plan, and resources, at the end of the consultation tailored to your specific needs and goals. This is updated at subsequent consultations throughout your programme.

    Depending on your individual requirements I may recommend supplements or Functional clinical testing via leading private laboratories (most of these can be completed at home and returned directly to the lab, e.g. urine, stool, finger prick tests). Tests can be a useful tool to assess underlying imbalances, however they are not compulsory. The cost of tests and supplements is not included in consultation or package fees.

  • The Thrive Nutrition consultation package must be used within a 3 month period from the date of the initial consultation. The Children’s Thrive Nutrition consultation package must be used within 6 weeks. All packages must be paid for in advance.

  • Yes! If you’re looking for a general overview of your nutrition status, and advice on optimising health, you can book a 75 minute one off Health MOT consultation. This is a great option for anyone new to personalised nutrition who wants to give it a try. However, this may not be suitable for everyone, particularly those with a specific or complex health concern who may require a series of consultations to achieve their desired outcome. Please get in touch and we can discuss the most appropriate option for you.